J—s mother grew old. She thought it was high time that she should retire from the world and spend the evening of her life peacefully in Brindavan. She expressed her intention to Sri Ramakrishna. But the Master knew her circumstances too well to endorse her proposal, and answered as follows : You are very fond of your son s daughter. The thought of the child will force itself upon you and make you restless, wherever you go. You may live in Brindavan if you like, but your mind will always hover about your home. On the other hand, all the good of living in Brindavan will come of its own accord to you, if you cultivate the feeling of sweet affection for your granddaughter, in the thought that she is Sri Radhika herself. Fondle her just as much as you are wont; feed and dress her to your heart s content; but always think within yourself that in those acts you are offering your worship to the goddess of Brindavan.
Finding a certain devotee inordinately attached to one of his relatives and unable to steady his mind on this acccount, the Master instructed him to look upon the object of his love as an image of God, and serve him in this attitude. In the course of explaining this point, sometimes the Master would thus refer to the similar views of Vaishnavacharan : " Vaishnavacharan would hold, If one looks upon the beloved as the Chosen Deity, the mind easily turns Godward.'
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