What means should we adopt in order to get free from the clutches of Maya ? He who yearns to be free from its clutches is shown the way by God Himself. Only ceaseless yearning is needed.
A devotee asked the Master, " By what means can He be seen ? and the Master" replied: " Can you weep for Him with intense longing? Men weep jugful of tears for children, wife, money, etc.; but who weeps for God ? So long as a child is engrossed in play with its toys, the mother engages herself in cooking and other household works. But when the little one finds no more satisfaction in toys, throws them aside and loudly cries for its mother, she can no longer remain in the kitchen. She drops down the rice pot, perhaps, from the hearth, and runs in hot haste to the child and takes it up in arms.
He finds God quickest, whose concentration and yearning are strongest.
In this age of Kali three days' ardent yearning to see God is enough for a man to obtain Divine grace.
Uncle moon is the uncle of all children. So also God is everyone s. AH have got the right to call on the Lord. Whoever calls on Him becomes blessed by realising Him. If you call on Him, you too can realise Him.
Verily, I tell you, he who wants Him finds Him. Go and verify it in your own life. Try for three days, try with genuine zeal, and you are sure to succeed.
Pray to the Divine Mother, begging Her to give you unswerving Love and adamantine faith.
Where does the strength of an aspirant lie? He is a child of God, and tears are his greatest strength. As a mother fulfils the desires of a child who weeps and importunes her, so does the Lord grant to His weeping child whatever he is crying for.
A certain man once said to the Master: " I am now fifty-five years old. I have been engaged in the search for the Lord for fourteen years, have followed the advice of my teachers, had been to all the sacred places of pilgrimage, and have seen many a holy man; but I have gained nothing. Hearing this the Master replied: " I assure you, he who yearns for Him shall find Him. Look at me and take heart.
The child said, " Mother dear, wake me up when I shall be hungry." The mother replied, " Darling hunger itself will awaken you."
As a child beseeches its mother for toys and pice, weeping and teasing her, so he who weeps inwardly, intensely longing to see Him, like an innocent child, and knowing Him to be his nearest and dearest, is rewarded at last with the vision Divine. God can no longer remain hidden from such an earnest and importunate seeker.
In Yatras depicting the life of Krishna, the play commences with the beating of drums and the loud singing of O Krishna, come ! Come, O dear! But the person who plays the part of Krishna pays no heed to the noise and goes on complacently chatting and smoking in the green-room behind the stage. But as soon as the noise ceases, and the pious sage Narada, overflowing with love, enters the stage with sweet and soft music and summons
Krishna to appear, Krishna finds that he can no longer remain indifferent. Hurriedly he then enters stage. As long as the spiritual aspirant calls on the Lord with mere lip-prayers—'Come, O Lord '—the Lord will not appear. When the Lord comes, the heart of the devotee melts into divine emotion, and all loud utterances cease for ever. The Lord cannot tarry when His devotee calls on Him from the depth of his heart overflowing with profound Love.
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