Path of Knowledge WHAT IS JNANA YOGA?
Jnana Yoga is communion with God by means of Knowledge. The Jnani's object is to realise Brahman, the Absolute. He says “Not this” "Not this" and thus leaves out of account one unreal thing after another until he gets to a point where all Vichara (discrimination) between the real and the unreal ceases, and Brahman is realised in Samadhi.
A thief enters a dark room and feels the various articles therein. He lays his hand upon a table perhaps, and saying " Not this " passes on. Next he comes upon some other article—a chair, perhaps—and again saying " Not this " continues his search, till, leaving article after article, he finally lays his hand on the box containing the treasure. Then he exclaims, " It is here ! " and there his. search ends. Such, indeed, is the search for Brahman.
I have seen that the knowledge derived by reasoning is of quite a different kind from the knowledge derived through meditation ; and quite different from this again is the Knowledge that dawns by His revelation.
Knowledge (Jnana) varies in degree and kind. There is first the Jnana or insight of men of the world— ordinary mortals. This knowledge is not sufficiently powerful. It may be compared to the flame of a lamp which illumines only the interior of a room. The Jnana of a Bhakta (devotee) is a stronger light. It may be compared to the light of the moon which reveals things both inside and outside a room. But the Jnana of the Avatara is
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