824. Sri Ramakrishna was one day expounding the gist of Sri Gauranga's cult in the following words: "This faith insists that man should at all times try to cultivate-three things—delight in the 'name' of the Lord, loving sympathy for all living beings, and service to devotees. God and His name are identical. Knowing this, one should take the name' of the Lord with great Love and fervour. The devotees of God should be respected and adored in the conviction that there is no difference between the Lord and his worshippers, between Krishna and the Vaishnava. With the knowledge that the whole universe is die household of the Lord, one should show pity to all creatures. . ." Uttering the last words ' pity to all creatures in a rather abrupt fashion, the Master went into Samadhu Sometime after—returning to a semi-conscious state—the Master exclaimed, ° Pity to creatures I Pity to creatures f Sirrah 1 you who are lower than even a worm, how dare you speak of showing pity to creatures! Who are you to show pity to them ? No, no, it is not pity to creatures, but service to them in the consciousness that they are verily God Himself."
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