[God of all religions the same—Different religions as paths to God—Cause and cure of fanaticism—Right attitude towards religious differences—Attitude towards secret cults]
As one and the same wa.ter is called by different names by different peoples, some calling it 'water , some 'Van', some 'Aqua and some Pani , so the one Sachchidananda—Existence-Intelligence-Bliss Absolute—is invoked by some as God, by some as Allah, by some as Hari and by others as Brahman.In a potter s shop there are vessels of different shapes and forms—pots, jars, dishes, plates, etc.—but all made of the same clay. So God is one, but He is worshipped in different ages and climes under different names and aspects.
As the same sugar is made into various figures of birds and beasts, so the one sweet Divine Mother is worshipped in various climes and ages under various names and forms.
Various ornaments are made of gold. Although the substance is the same, they are called variously and appear different in form. So one and the same God is worshipped in different countries and ages under different names and forms. He may be worshipped in various ways according to different conceptions—some loving to call Him as father and others as mother, some as friend and others as beloved, some again as the innermost treasure of their heart and others as their sweet little child but it is always one and the same God that is worshipped in all these diverse relations.
Once a dispute arose among the learned men at the court of the Maharajah of Burdwan as to who was the greater of the two Deities, Siva and Vishnu. Some of the courtiers said that Siva was greater, while the others gave preference to Vishnu. .When the dispute grew hot, a wise Pandit remarked, Sir, I have seen neither Siva nor Vishnu. How can I say who is the greater of the two ? Similarly, do not try to compare one Deity with another. When you will see one of them, you will come to know that they are all the manifestations of the same Brahman.
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