Have Bhakti within, and give up all cunning and deceit. Those who are engaged in business, such as work in office or trade, should also stick to truth. Truthfulness is the Tapasya (austerity) of this age of Kali.
Unless one always speaks the truth, one cannot find God Who is the soul of truth.
One must be very particular about telling the truth. Through truth one can realise God.
Everything false is bad. Even false garb is bad. If your mind is not quite in accord with the garb, then terrible ruin shall visit you. In this way, one grows hypo critical, and all fear of doing wrong or uttering falsehood disappears.
A certain person, deeply involved in debt, feigned madness to escape the consequences of his liabilities.
Physicians failed to cure his disease ; and the more medicines were administered to him the greater became his madness. At last a wise physician found out the truth, and taking the man feigning madness aside, rebuked him saying, " Sir, what are you doing ? Beware that by feigning madness you do not become actually mad. Already I see some genuine signs of insanity in you. This warning roused the man from his folly and he left off feigning madness. You will actually become what you constantly pose yourself to be.
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