Work without attachment, however, is exceedingly difficult, especially in this age. Hence communion by prayer, devotion and Love has been enjoined as better adapted to this age than communion by Work or Knowledge and philosophy. No one, however, can avoid work. Every mental operation is work. The consciousness, 'I feel', or 41 think', involves work. What is meant by the path of devotion in its relation to Work is that work is simplified by devotion to, or love of, God. In the first place, this love of God reduces the quantity of one's work by fixing ones mind upon one's own ideal, that is, God. Secondly it helps one to work unattached. One cannot love God and at the same time love riches, pleasure, fame, or power. He who has once tasted the drink prepared with the Ola sugar candy does not care for that made with molasses.
In this age Work without devotion to God has no legs to stand upon. It is like a foundation of sand. First cultivate devotion. All the other things—schools, dispensaries, etc.—will, if you like, be added to you. First devotion, then work. Work, apart from devotion or love of God, is helpless and cannot stand.
For this Kali Yuga. Naradiya- Bhakti, or communion with God by love, devotion and self-surrender as practised and preached by the Rishi Narada, is enjoined. There is hardly time for Karma Yoga, i.e., for doing the various ritualistic duties laid on man by the scriptures. Don't you see that the well-known decoction of the ten medicinal roots known as Dashamulapachana, is not the remedy for fevers of the present day ? The patient runs the risk of being carried off before the medicine has had time to take effect. Fever mixture' is therefore the order of the day.
A disciple: The pressure of work stands in the way of giving ones mind to God, does it not ?
The Master: O yes, no doubt, that is so; but a Jnani may work unattached, and then work will not harm him. If you sincerely desire, the Lord will help you, so that the bondage of work will gradually fall away.
Sri Ramakrishna once said addressing Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, the great philanthropist of India: " Your nature is made of the Sattva i.e., the pure element which leads to illumination or true Knowledge. Only your Sattva is in that phase which makes you active and devoted to the doing of good works. Charity, compassion, kindness towards others, etc., are good if practised without attachment. If they are so practised, and are accompanied with Bhakti (devotion to the Supreme), they will lead to God.
Should you think of God only at the time of meditation and remain forgetful of Him at all other times ? Have you not noticed how during Durga Puja a lamp is kept constantly burning near the image ? It should never be allowed to go out If ever it is extinguished, the householder meets with some mishap. Similarly, after installing the Deity on the lotus of your heart, you must keep the lamp of remembering Him ever burning. While engaged in the affairs of the world, you should constantly turn your gaze inwards and see whether the lamp is burning or not.
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