As ones face may be seen reflected in a sheet of glass coated with quick silver, so the glorious image of the Almighty God can be seen reflected in the heart of a person who has preserved his power and purity through perfect continence.
Unless one practises absolute continence, one cannot comprehend the subtle truths of spirituality.
Sukadeva was an Urdhvaretas (a man of complete and unbroken continence) ; he had never any emission of semen. There was another class called Dhairyaretas, who had discharge of semen at one time but subsequently practised absolute continence. If a man remains a Dhairyaretas continually for twelve years, he acquires a superhuman power. A new nerve is developed in him. It is called the nerve of intelligence' (Medhanadi), and he can remember everything and know everything.
If a man practises absolute continence for twelve years, the Medhanadi will open (i.e., his powers and understanding will blossm). His understanding will become capable of penetrating and comprehending the subtlest of ideas. With such an understanding man can realise God. God can be attained only through a purified understanding of this type.
Waste of the vital fluid entails loss of energy. Involuntary emission, however, is not of much consequence. That is due to food. But still one (a truely spiritual man) should not know any woman carnally.
He who has relinquished sexual enjoyment has indeed renounced the world ! God is indeed very near him !
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