Till one becomes simple like a child, one cannot get divine illumination. Forget all the worldly knowledge that you have acquired and become as ignorant of it as a child ; then you will get the knowledge of the Truth.
Simple-mindednes takes one easily to God. If a person is simple, spiritual instructions easily fructify in him, as seeds germinate easily and grow to bear fruit soon when sown in tilled soil free from stones.
The Master used to say: "People become generous and simple-minded only in consequence of much penance. God can never be attained except with a simple mind. It is to the simple-minded that He reveals His own nature." But to safeguard people from developing into simpletons in the name of simplicity and truthfulness, the Master would also sound a note of warning; " You are to be a devotee but not a simpleton on that account," or again, " Always you must discriminate in your mind between the true and the false, the eternal and the transient; and then leaving aside all that is transient, you should fix your mind upon that alone which is eternal."
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