What is the good of wearing the orange coloured dress of an ascetic ? What is there in the dress ? The orange dress brings with it pure associations. The wearing of worn out shoes and torn clothes brings thoughts of one's low state into the mind; dressing smartly in trousers and coats, with patent leather shoes on, makes one naturally feel rather elated with pride and vanity; by wearing the black-bordered Dhoti of fine mushn one feels impelled to be lively and to sing love songs perhaps. The wearing of the orange garb of the Sannyasin causes sacred thoughts naturally to rise in the mind. Every kind of dress has its own associations, although dress in itself has no special significance.
A young plant should always be protected against goats and cows and the mischief of little urchins by a fence. But when it becomes a big tree, a flock of goats or a herd of cows can freely find shelter under its spreading boughs and fill their stomachs with its leaves. So when your faith is yet in its infancy, you should protect it from the evil influences of bad company and worldliness. But when you grow strong in faith, no worldliness or evil inclination will dare approach your holy presence; and many who are wicked will become godly through your holy contact.
Once a student questioned Sri Ramaknshna; Sir, as the same God dwells in every being, what harm is there in accepting food from any and every man's hands? In reply the Master asked him whether he was a Brahmin. When the student said " Yes ", the Master remarked, " That is why you put me the question. Suppose you light a match and heap over it a lot of dry wood. What would become of the fire? The student replied, " The fire will get extinguished, being choked by the pile." Again the Master said, " Suppose a wild fire is blazing and you throw into it a lot of green banana trees. What would become of these trees ?M The student replied : " Surely they will be reduced to ashes in a moment. " Similarly," said the Master, " if the spirituality in you is very weak, there is every danger of its being smothered by eating indiscriminately from all hands. But if it is strong, no food will affect you.
Once I was initiated by a Mohammedan teacher and was given the name ' of Allah to repeat. I repeated the name' for several days, strictly observing their way& and eating their food. During that period, I could not goto the temple of Mother Kali, or take the names of Hindu gods and goddesses.
Eat not in the feast given at a funeral ceremony ; for such food destroys all devotion and Love. Also do-not take food in the house of a priest who lives by con-ducting sacrificial rites for others.
Q. As regards eating, should not one eat what one gets ?
A. That depends upon the spiritual state. In the path of Jnana it produces no harm. When a Jnani eats, he offers the food as an oblation in the fire of KundalinL But for a Bhakta, it is different. A Bhakta should eat only pure food, such food as he can freely offer to his .beloved Lord. Animal food is not for a Bhakta. At the same time I must say that if a man loves God, even while living upon pork, he is blessed : and wretched is he who lives on milk and rice or on Havishyanna (unspiced food) but whose mind is absorbed in ' woman and gold \
He who eats simple non-stimulating vegetable food, but does not desire to attain God,—for him that simple food is as bad as beef. But he who eats beef and desires to attain God,— for him beef is as good as the food of the gods.
Eat to your satisfaction in the day, but let your meal at night be light and small in quantity.
That food alone should be taken by the devotee which does not heat the system or unsettle the mind.
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