When the nest of a bird is destroyed, it betakes itself to the sky. Similarly, when the consciousness of the body and the outer world is effaced from the mind, the Jivatman (individual Spirit) soars into the sky of the Paramatman (Supreme Spirit) and merges itself in Samadhi.
Humanity must die before divinity manifests itself. But this divinity must, in turn, die before the higher manifestation of the Blissful Mother (Brahmamayi) takes place. It is on the bosom of the dead divinity (Siva) that the Blissful Mother dances Her celestial dance.
When camphor is burnt, no residue is left. When discrimination ends and the highest Samadhi is attained, there is neither I nor thou' nor the universe ; for the mind and the ego are merged in the Absolute Brahman.
When the ego is effaced, the Jiva dies and there follows the realisation of Brahman in Samadhi. Then it is Brahman, not the Jiva, that realises Brahman.
When it was contended by a devotee that God is beyond the comprehension of words, thoughts and senses, and that the mind cannot reach Him, the Master remarked, That is not quite so. It is true enough that the conditioned mind cannot realise God. But He can be realised by the pure mind (Suddha-manas), which is the same thing as the pure reason (Suddha-buddhi), which again is the same thing as the pure unconditioned Spirit. He cannot indeed be realised by the finite reason, or by the finite, relative and conditioned mind that has a sensuous nature due to its attachment to woman and gold '. The mind may however be rid of its sensuous nature and may be purified by culture. When freed from all worldly tendencies, desires and attachments, it becomes one with the unconditioned Spirit. Was it not thus that the sages of old saw God ? God, the unconditioned Spirit, they saw by means of the purified mind, which they found to be the same as the Atman or the unconditioned Spirit within.
God is beyond both mind and intellect as long as they are bound within relativity; but He manifests Himself to them when they are purified. It is lust and greed which make the mind impure. So long as Avidya (ignorance) reigns in the heart, the mind and the intellect can never be pure. Ordinarily, mind and intellect are known to be different from each other; but in their purified state they become one, and are resolved into Chaitanya (Pure Consciousness). Then God, the Chaitanya, becomes manifest to the Chaitanya.
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